Northglenn Software's Artificial Intelligence Guru
Your very own Guru - Amaze friends and yourself with this
One of the reasons that I enjoy writing this newsletter is all the oddball companies and products that I run into. This one is no different. I searched everywhere for information about the company: Northglenn Software. I found zip. Nothing. There was no information on OpenCorporates. I searched for both Northglenn Software and Northglenn. There was a Northglenn company in the UK, but that wasn’t what I was looking for. I also searched the Internet Archive, but only found more ads for their products. Not a review or non-ad mention anywhere.
The ad above doesn’t have very much information about the application being advertised. (I know the above ad mentions two applications {Guru and Dietitian}, but I’m focusing the first.) I did find a clearer ad in the November 1983 issue of the Color Computer Magazine.
Apparently, this Guru software uses Artificial Intelligence to answer questions about life. (I wonder if he knows the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything.) This just proves that AI is nothing new.
Here is an ad from the March 1985 issue of The Rainbow Magazine that lists more Northglenn Software products.
Did you ever use any product from Northglenn Software? Tell us about it in the comments below.
What computer ads would you like to see in the future? Please comment below. If you enjoyed, please share with your friends and relatives. Thank you.
I actually live right next to the town of Northglenn, Colorado in the US! I clicked your article just to see if it was the same and was shocked to find it is. I wasn't here in the 80s, but it's possible the City or State or maybe the Post Office (where the PO Box had to have been back in those days) would have some records? BTW, $21.95 from 1984 is worth about $65 (£52) today - that Guru wasn't cheap, but as long as you can impress your friends . . .