Sorry for the delay. Work has been busy and I have been dealing with a bad cold (still got the cough). I hope to get an ad and an interview out this week.
In the meantime, please enjoy these comics are from the April 1984 issue of Creative Computing magazine.
What computer ads would you like to see in the future? Please comment below. If you enjoyed it, please share it with your friends and relatives. Thank you.
The beautyfull art whitout times ... why from my adolesc4ntial time I know become a world of comic and more ... along my teen age i have work 7n graphotism and variously ideal of comic style scene i have take in value for opera , work , study , etc.... in a time become 1995 at 2000 in name of art TEST ! ( graffity ) why I have composed milions pieces all gratis and for servuces become : " discotec , shop , commerce , social center , pizza , coffe , pubblic ville , videogame saloon , house , office etc.... from fashion , school , unuversity , laboratory and moreof life !
I am also technician and a member of family where a my grampa is a man seriously of war 1940 and post war of high civilty and value .... another my grampa is a electronics man in all value for all tipe to years of woman and man ... and I am a prodigy in art why along my first infantilism have inspirate tv baby , radio , consolle , computer etc.... of beauty victory value etc.... if you like I have a channel on the blog at name : " Https://
Where you can watch all my new ideas in little and effect union whit me , contact me ' , and more ... i am in line everyday for new company of intetest .... Kiss bye !