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The beautyfull art whitout times ... why from my adolesc4ntial time I know become a world of comic and more ... along my teen age i have work 7n graphotism and variously ideal of comic style scene i have take in value for opera , work , study , etc.... in a time become 1995 at 2000 in name of art TEST ! ( graffity ) why I have composed milions pieces all gratis and for servuces become : " discotec , shop , commerce , social center , pizza , coffe , pubblic ville , videogame saloon , house , office etc.... from fashion , school , unuversity , laboratory and moreof life !

I am also technician and a member of family where a my grampa is a man seriously of war 1940 and post war of high civilty and value .... another my grampa is a electronics man in all value for all tipe to years of woman and man ... and I am a prodigy in art why along my first infantilism have inspirate tv baby , radio , consolle , computer etc.... of beauty victory value etc.... if you like I have a channel on the blog at name : " Https://Phrancklinrobinsons.blogspot.com

Where you can watch all my new ideas in little and effect union whit me , contact me ' , and more ... i am in line everyday for new company of intetest .... Kiss bye !

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